Thomas L.
Ref# EGA22

About Me
My name is Thomas L.. I'm a 13-year-old boy.

My birthday is
October 2, 2010.



Low Income



Favorite Bible Verse

The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing. Psalms 23:1

My Story

I live with my parents, sister, and brother. School is a lot of fun for me. My absolute favorite subject is Arabic, but English classes can be a bit of a struggle. If you ask about my favorites, I'd say red is my top color, and dogs are the best animals. When it comes to food, fried chicken is my ultimate comfort grub. Soccer and running are my go-to activities for a good time. At home, I pitch in by helping my mom with the dishes and keeping my room clean.

As for my hero, Spiderman takes the cake!

Now, let's talk about where I call home – it's Egypt, right in the heart of the incredible city of Alexandria, sitting pretty by the beautiful blue Mediterranean Sea. This place is a real hotspot in history; did you know that legendary figures like Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Cleopatra, and even Napoleon all made their mark here? Our city was famous for an ancient lighthouse, one of the seven wonders of the world, and a world-renowned ancient library.

When it comes to religion, Alexandria's got its own story. The Apostle Mark came here and brought Christianity to Egypt and North Africa, but most people here are Muslims. Being a Christian in these parts isn't always a walk in the park.

For me, I find solace in the belief that God loves me and is always there for me. I appreciate your care for my family and me. May God bless you abundantly!