Evan K.
Ref# EG147

About Me
My name is Evan K.. I'm a 3-year-old boy.

My birthday is
September 26, 2020.



Widow / Single Mother


Too Young

Favorite Bible Verse

God is love!

My Story

I'm Evan, and I live in Egypt with my mom and sister near the Nile River. Our village is surrounded by farms, which is pretty cool. But things are tough because my mom is widowed and doesn't have a job right now.

I'm not old enough for school yet, but I can't wait to start kindergarten! White is my favorite color, and I love dogs. Pizza is my favorite food ever! Playing soccer with my friends is the best.

I help out at home by picking up my toys. It's not much, but it's important to do my part. My favorite story from the Bible is about Joseph. He's so brave and cool!

In Egypt, we love spending time with our families, enjoying yummy food, and having fun with friends. But it's not always easy being Christian here. Still, knowing that God loves me gives me strength and makes me feel safe.