Mariam K.
Ref# EG120

About Me
My name is Mariam K.. I'm a 10-year-old girl.

My birthday is
June 8, 2013.



Widow / Single Mother



Favorite Bible Verse

Psalm 150

My Story

Hey there, I'm Mariam! I live with my mom and my brother. School is pretty cool, and my absolute favorite subject is Arabic. But, let me tell you, English classes can be a bit tough. My favorite colors are yellow and pink, and I'm all about cats. Pizza is my jam! Besides that, playing with my friends and drawing are my favorite things to do.

At home, I help my mom by keeping my room all tidy. Oh, and my most-loved Bible story is the one about Jesus!

Now, let's talk about where I live - Egypt, whoo-hoo! More specifically, Alexandria, right by the beautiful Mediterranean Sea. This place is bursting with history. Can you believe that super famous folks like Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Cleopatra, and even Napoleon hung out here? We even had this ancient lighthouse, one of the seven wonders of the world, and a world-famous library.

Religion is a big deal too. The Apostle Mark came here and brought Christianity to Egypt and North Africa. But, you know, most folks here are Muslims, and it's not always easy to be a Christian. But what makes me feel super happy is hearing that God loves me and will always be there.