Kevin Q.
Ref# EG131

About Me
My name is Kevin Q.. I'm a 9-year-old boy.

My birthday is
May 14, 2015.



Widow / Single Mother



Favorite Bible Verse

Psalm 5:11

My Story

I'm Kevin, and my mom's a widow, so it's just me, her, and my sis living in Egypt near the Nile River. Our village is pretty neat, with farms all around.

School's okay, but math's my favorite. English is tough, though. Yellow's the best color, and I wish we had a dog. Chicken's my favorite food, and soccer's the best game ever!

I help Mom by getting groceries. It's kinda fun picking out stuff from the store. My favorite story from the Bible is about Joseph. He never gave up, even when things got tough.

It's not always easy being Christian here. Most people are Muslims, and it can be hard sometimes. But we love our families, good food, and laughing with friends. I know God's with me, no matter what.